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Is Your Dining Hall in WSW Zone? Vastu Consultant Explains How it Helps Your Lifestyle!

· Vastu,vastutips,vastuconsultant,kolkata,vastuforhome

Food is more than just a need, reminds Vastu consultant. You can judge a person from the way they eat.

In today’s blog, we will discuss how dining in the WSW zone helps you adapt a classier lifestyle.

Food is a necessity for all and also a lifestyle for some. If you belong in the later type you should

definitely allocate your dining hall in the WSW zone in the vastu.

When you belong from upper economical class you usually need to attend classy gatherings and party in expensive venues and hotels, says Vastu consultant.

These gathering can be both personal and professional in nature. Either way, in such gathering; one gets judged based on what they eat and how.

Though it might sound naïve to many people, assuming it only adds fuel to fire related to gossiping, in reality, such factors are important.

It helps them in bonding influential social gathering. Thus it can make or break some prospect for business venture as well.

The west of south west (WSW) zone, that falls in between west and south west zones represents saving and education aspects of its occupants, in general. From dining perspective, it offers positive result too.

This zonal dining area motivates people to adapt to culinary style and table manners. It means they will know how to use right table crockery for the right meal, which is extremely important for social events and gatherings.

To know which other zones are great for dining hall placement the vastu, get in touch with Vastu consultant of Vaastu Mangaal.